ARPUS/ce, Version 2.6.2 (03/10/05)    (SCCS 1.3)
 mi <pdname>/<line> [['<title>' <ce;cmd;list>] ke ]
 "Menu Item"
     'mi'  is used to set, display, or erase a menu item in the named
     pull down menu. Changes made via the 'mi' command are propagated
     to  all Ce windows on the current display.  Note that the  'lmi'
     (Local  Menu  Item) command behaves just like the  'mi'  command
     except  that  the  changes  are local to  the  window  they  are
     executed in. The three forms of the 'mi' command are as follows:

     mi <pdname>/<line>      
                      Display  in  ce's output window the  definition
                      currently assigned to the specified menu item.

     mi <pdname>/<line> 'title'<ce;cmd;list> ke 
                      Add  or  replace  a   menu  item   with  a  new
                      definition.     <ce;cmd;list>   is  parsed   at
                      definition time for validity, and if Ce detects
                      a  syntax  error  in  the   definition,  it  is
                      rejected.   Using  the value '$' for  the  line
                      number  causes  Ce to find the  next  available
                      line  in the menu item and use that line.  This
                      includes items previously erased.
     mi <pdname>/<line> ke
             Erases amenu item. The line is not displayed but exists
             internally.   Using -1 as the value for line causes all
             the menu items in that pulldown to be erased.
             This is the name of the pulldown to be modified or added
             to.  It is 1 to 8 alphameric characters.  You can make up
             new pulldown names and add Menu Items to them.  They can
             then  be chained of existing pulldowns or activated from
             a  key definition (kd), command file (cmdf) or from  the
             'Command:' prompt. The 'pd' (Pull Down) command causes a
             pulldown  to  be  activated.  To add menu items  to  the
             default  pulldowns, you need to know their names.   From
             left to right, the pull down names are:
             Their names are the same as their title in root pulldown
             whose  name is Menubar.  Note that in the processing  of
             the  root pulldown Menubar, item 'Help' is treated as  a
             special case.
             This  is the zero based line number of the menu item  to
             examine, update, or add. You may also use the value $ to
             indicate  that the item is to be added to the end of the
             list.   This is useful if you are augmenting the  system
             defaults.   When you add lines to an existing  pulldown,
             make sure you do not skip any intermediate line numbers.
             The  line numbers, starting at zero are checked until  a
             not found condition is encountered.  This is taken to be
             the  end  of  the list.  Thus a hole  in  the  numbering
             sequence  terminates  the list.  Also note that  if  the
             '<title>' matches the '<title>' of another member of the
             pulldown,  the number will be overridden to replace  the
             pulldown entry with the same title.

             This is the string to be placed into menu item line.  It
             is what is displayed on that line in the pull down.  The
             string  can  be enclosed in single, double,  or  reverse
             quotes.   If  a menu item in the named pull down  exists
             with the same title, the menu item replaces this item no
             matter what was specified in the line.

             This  is the list of Ce commands separated by colons  to
             be executed under this menu item. It is parsed just like
             a key definition.  For an arbitrary list of Ce commands,
             the  commands  are executed when a the mouse  button  is
             released in the pulldown menu item corresponding to this
             list. Thus holding the left mouse down and dragging to a
             menu  item  or  clicking a menu item  produce  the  same

             The  exception to the button release rule is when the Ce
             command  list contains a single 'pd' (pulldown) command.
             In  this case, the pulldown command is executed when the
             mouse button is pressed or when the mouse button is held
             down  and  the mouse is dragged into the  pulldown  menu
             item.   This exception gives the pulldowns the  expected
             behavior.   A  side effect of this is that you  are  not
             allowed  to mix a 'pd' command in the command list  with
             anything else.  The Ce command list can either contain a
             single  'pd' command or some list of other Ce  commands.
             Using  cmdf,  aliases, eval, or other techniques  it  is
             possible  to  hide the 'pd' command from the 'mi'  check
             which disallows this mix. The effect of this is that the
             pulldown  will  appear  on the button  release  and  the
             corresponding menu item will not be marked with an arrow
             to  show  it is a cascading pulldown.  Do this  sort  of
             thing at your own risk
             This  is  the terminator for the command list.   If  you
             create pulldowns which add key definitions, use the same
             rules  for  escaping  "ke's"   as  when   you  nest  key


    The default menu item for doing text flow is defined by:

     mi Edit/5 'Text Flow'tf ke

    This reads, "Define line 5 of the Edit pulldown as displaying the
    string  "Text  Flow"  and  when  selected  execute  the  'tf'  Ce
    command." We would prefer that to use the text flow options which
    do  blank  precompression (-p) and right justification (-b).   We
    would also like to use default left and right boundaries of 9 and
    80  if the user does not do a rectangular mark over the region to
    be  text  flowed.  By adding the following line to  your  .Cekeys
    file, these changes will be implemented.

    mi Edit/5 'Text Flow'tf -p -b -l 9 -r 80 ke


    By  default,  the Pulldown for Macro is empty.  We wish to add  a
    cascading  pulldown  as the first menu item (item 0)  which  will
    perform some local functions.

     mi Macro/0 'My Stuff1'pd Mine ke

     mi Mine/0  'Find All'tmw;1,$! -c -m grep -c \\&'Find: ' ke
     mi Mine/1  'Print File'tmw;1,$! -c -m lp ke
     mi Mine/2  'Print Region'! -c -m lp ke
     mi Mine/3  'Count Words'! -c -m wc -w ke
     mi Mine/4  'Sort Region'! sort ke

    Note:  If  you  want to try these out, copy them to  the  default
    paste  buffer  (using  F1 and F2 for example), press  Escape  and
    execute the Ce command 'cmdf -p'.  This will execute the contents
    of the paste buffer as a command file.


     alias ispell  ro -off;pw;pn;tdmo;tl;dr;tr;xc -l file;tdm;tl;xd -l junk;icon -i;es'cpo -w "ceterm -geo c80x24 -autoclose y -vt on -w  \\\'ispell ';xp file;tr;es'\\\'"';en;tmw;1,$xd -l junk;xd -l junk;tdm;es'xp -f ';xp file;tr;en;icon -w ke
     mi Macro/$  'Ispell'ispell ke

     lmi           (Local Menu Item)      
     pdm           (Pull Down Menus)      
     tmb           (To Menu Bar)          
     pd            (Pull Down)            
     kd            (Key Definition)       
     alias         (Alias commands)       
     cmdf          (Command File)         
     commands      (List of Commands)     
     menubarCon    Menu Bar Concepts      

     support       (customer support)     

  Copyright (c) 2005, Robert Styma Consulting.  All rights reserved.