Ce/Ceterm Linux Setup

Front Panel Startup

To add ceterm to the front panel, so you can click the icon and start a ceterm, execute the following steps.

  1. On the desktop panel you wish to add the ceterm panel onto, right click in some part of the panel where there is not already an icon. (The desktop panel is the area with the little red had in the lower left hand corner.) A popup menu will appear.  
  2. In the popup menu, left click "Add to Panel" This will bring up a larget popup menu.  
  3. In this menu, left click on "Custom Application Launcher" to highlight it and then press the Add button in the lower right hand corner. This will bring up the Create Launcher popup menu.  
  4. In the "Create Launcher" menu, enter "ceterm" in the Name and Generic name fields. In the comment field enter something like "Arpus ceterm". The "Command" field is the important field. Enter the path to ceterm or use the "Browse" button to navigate to it.  
  5. Leave the "Run in Terminal checkbox Unchecked.  
  6. Click the "No Icon" box to get a list of icons and choose one which pleases you.  

Gnome Hot Key

The gnome window manager (metacity) supports using key sequences on the desktop to start an application. This is how you can set up a key sequence to start a ceterm window from a hot key.

We will assume you want to make the "Windows" key on the PC keyboard with the letter 'c' to start the ceterm.

On Linux the "Windows" key on the PC keyboard normally is set up as <mod4>.

You can double check this with ce. In a ce window, at the command prompt, enter the command: kk;kk

Then press and hold the windows key, in the message output window you should see something like super_l

Then press the 'c' key. If the windows key is <mod4> you should see `c as the key. (that's a grave quote). The help file for the kd command lists all the modifier prefixes.

  1. From the Red Hat->Run Application or a terminal window run: gconf-editor  
  2. In the left hand tree control, open apps->metacity->keybinding_commands  
  3. In the right hand pane, double click an unused command, say "command_2".  
  4. A dialog box will pop up. In the VALUE field enter the ceterm command, For example: /local/bin/ceterm -geo 16x327+100+22 Use the path to where you have ceterm and whatever arguments, if any you want.  
  5. In the left page open global_keybindings under the same apps->metacity group. It should be the entry right above keybinding commands.  
  6. In the right pane double click the entry for "command_2" and a dialog box will pop up.  
  7. In the VALUE field entry a value such as <Mod4<c This will make the ceterm open when you press the Windows key and the letter c key together.  

Page last updated, 06/15/2006